Journey of Lions Club of Chittagong Parijat Elite

In 2008, Ln Shamsunnahar Rahman Paran MJF, established Lions Club of Chittagong Parijat Elite.  In 2009, became Membership Chairperson of Lions Club of Chittagong Parijat Elite, Lions Clubs International, Disctrict 315- B4 to serve the humanity. In 2013, Lions Club of Chittagong Parijat Elite has sponsored the Leo Club of Chittagong Parijat Elite. 

Late. Ln Shamsun Nahar Rahman (Paran), MJF was inspired by Lionism through her spouse Late Ln Md Lutfar Rahman, who joined  lionism since inception in pre Bangladesh era in East Pakistan. In 1995 -96 she was the  President, Lions Club of Chittagong Parijat,.  

Shamsun Nahar Rahman (Paran) was Founder, Executive Director and later, Chairman, Ghashful, the first registered NGO in Chittagong, Bangladesh. She was popularly known as “Paran Apa”. She was not only a pioneering social change maker, activist, but also a visionary women trailblazer in Chittagong. In course of time, she became one of the national role model in women empowerment and social development. She was involved in various social networks nationally and internationally and was ahead of her time in thinking with a positive attitude. She reminds us the famous quote of Robert Frost “Two roads parted in the woods, I chose the one less travelled by, and that has made all the difference”. She was born on June 1st, 1940 and expired on February 18, 2015.

In the post liberation time in 1972, Mrs Paran Rahman started social work for rehabilitating the war victims especially the female freedom fighters (Birangana).  Later, in 1978, her informal social work took the formal shape through GHASHFUL. Initially, she focused on Health and family planning sector in Chittagong, Bangladesh. Mrs Paran Rahman steered the program aiming to empower the poor and marginalized through various community developed activities focusing on women and children to bring social and economic growth and equality in the society.

Presently, Ghashful is implementing various Projects/ Programs on multi dimensions of poverty: Health, Education, Microfinance, Social and Economic empowerment for  inclusive development. Ghashful expanded its working area in greater Chittagong (Chattogram), Cumilla, Dhaka, Feni, Chapai Nababganj and Naogaon District in Bangladesh. Today Ghashful is serving around 80,000 households and, touching lives of about 700,000 under- privileged and marginalized people.

Lions Club of Chittagong together with our Leo Club of Lion Parijat Elite carrying on regular humanitarian services. Few highlights are Children’s Art Program; motivational program for youth for entrepreneurship and employment and awareness on cyber security, diabetes, breast cancer, heart diseases; Zebra Crossing Traffic awareness; Dengue awareness etc. In the villages for the underprivileged we arranged eye camp, health camp, heart camp etc. 

To save environment, Late Paran Rahman always promoted tree plantation, which we are carrying on through our club activities. We help to raise awareness to reduce plastic use, we do take beach cleaning programs etc.

Lions Club of Chittagong Parijat Elite was established to serve mankind with diversity. Late Ln Shamsun Nahar Rahman (Paran), MJF, Founder, Ghashful, pioneering social change maker in Chittagong. This Clube in collaboration with Shasha Foundation, Ghashful, Dr. Sanaullah Waqf Estate, Jebunnessa and Badiul Alam Trust and donations from our lion club members, individual philantrophists, corporates under corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been carrying out diversified social activities to make a difference in the community. Our club together with our Leo Club of Lion Club of Chittagong Parijat Elite carrying on our activities which extends to areas like Vision, Hunger, Diabetes, Childhood Cancer, Environment, Education Support, Special Needs people, Elderly People, Donations for to address needs of the individuals and local community.

We are cooperating and coordinating in moving forward our Founder Ln Paran Rahman’s few initiatives as signature and permanent project for education support of underprivileged students and children from marginalized communities with Ghashful. Patronization from our club  individual  members, Shasha Foundation, Dr Md Sanaullah Waqf Estate has joined hands. Collectively we can all play a part and build a brighter tomorrow for an equitable better world.