Ln Abu Nayem Md Borhan Uddin Chowdhury

Name : Ln Abu Nayem Md Borhan Uddin Chowdhury

Profession:  Business

Club Designation: Tail Twister

Member ID :5277024

Lion Since:10/23/2019

Sponsor : Ln. S. K. Biswas

Borhan was born in an aristocrat Muslim family in BowalkhaliUpozila in Chittagong. He obtained his BBA & MBA from Int. Islamic University, Chittagong in 2009 and 2012 respectively. At present he is working for TK Shares & Camp; Securities Ltd. as Chief Anti Money Laundering Compliance Officer. Besides he spread his business in ICT sector via some unique projects like Spotter Private Ltd. Chaad Ride Pvt. Ltd., SMEXBD Ltd. etc. He is also a sports organizer and working as Treasurer of UNITED SPORTING CLUB, CJKS, Chittagong. He is serving as IT Secretary of Bangladesh Capital Market Registered Traders ‘Association.